Teaching Faith. Being Disciples.

Jesus tells us our faith is like a seed that must be nourished and cared for to grow and bear fruit. Through weekly worship, bible studies, fellowship activities, and regular service in outreach ministries, we seek to help our students grow in their faith and knowledge of God.

The Youth Ministry of FUMC strives to be welcoming, encouraging, and accountable to all who are present. The group is comprised of students in 6th through 12th grade. The Youth Ministry meets at The First Rock (building located in the parking lot).
Youth Sunday School
Our goal is to provide fun and educational opportunities for youth to grow in their faith. When students enter 6th grade, they are considered Youth at FUMC and are invited to join youth events like 180 Fellowship on Sunday evenings, Wednesday Bible Studies, and more. After Confirmation, we invite these students to attend Youth Sunday School at The First Rock. Contact our Youth Director, Brent Lamberth, for more information about Youth Education.
Youth Sunday School takes place at The First Rock building (located in the parking lot across Travis St.):
- Jr. High Sunday School (Grades 7—8)
- Sr. High Girls Sunday School (Grades 9—12)
- Sr. High Boys Sunday School (Grades 9—12)
Wednesday Bible Studies
All Youth (students 6th through 12th grade) are welcome to participate in Wednesday Youth Bible Studies during the school year.
The First Rock building opens to all youth at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays during the school year:
- Jr. High Bible Study from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
- Sr. High Bible Study from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
180 Youth Fellowship Gathering
All Youth (students 6th through 12th grade) are welcome at Youth 180 on Sunday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at The Rock. A typical night at 180 includes worship with the FUMC Praise Band, games, small groups, and a message. Dinner is provided most Sundays by parent volunteers. Frequently throughout the year, Youth attend off-campus events during this time, including Swim Nights during the Summer, Skate Nights at Sand Beach Skate Center, the Annual Christmas Scavenger Hunt, and more!
Weekly Summer Activities
Open Rock
All Youth (students 6th through 12th grade) are welcome to attend Open Rock on Tuesdays during the Summer from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. During Open Rock, students, along with our Youth Staff, take the church bus on a Meals on Wheels route. Afterward, the youth will have snacks and play games. Kids are welcome to BYO Lunch or money to purchase snacks.
All incoming 9th-grade students through recent graduates are welcome to attend CoffeeTalk on Fridays during the Summer from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. Students meet at 8th Street Coffee House for breakfast and a short devotional.
Annual Youth Mission Trip
Mission work is an important part of who we are as United Methodists. While we look for ways to incorporate missions into everyday life, we also take the time to spread the love of God in places away from home. Every year, the Youth participate in a week-long Mission Trip in the late Summer. Mission trips are often life-changing events. Young people learn to work with others while seeing the immense need others often have. As they work to transform the lives of others, they, too, are often transformed!
2025 Mission Trip
The FUMC Youth will work with Ferncliff Camp in Little Rock, Arkansas from July 20-25, 2025. The cost is TBA. Register online or contact Brent Lamberth for more information.
Like FUMC Wichita Falls Youth on Facebook for more information, news, and upcoming events, and follow @fumcwf_youth on Instagram to keep up with their journey in discipleship.