Join us for Worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.
A Lent sermon series from the Gospel of Mark based on the final 24 hours of Jesus’ life and ministry on earth.

Can’t make it to church for worship on Sunday? 

Our service is available every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. via:

More About Worship at FUMC

Each service is an hour long and includes the singing of hymns, special music performed by the choir and other talented musicians from the community, prayer time, and a message from the Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. John McLarty. 


We service Holy Communion during worship on the first Sunday of each month. In the United Methodist Church, we celebrate Holy Communion with the practice of an Open Table. This means all are welcome to receive Holy Communion: members and non-members, children and adults. Our elements are gluten-free.


Children are always welcome in our worship service—wiggles and all! Activity binders and crayons are available for children during the worship service. Additionally, the service is available to watch in a “Family Room” area for parents and children if you need to step out for a moment.


The church nursery is available during the Sunday School hour and worship for infants six weeks old through toddlers age 3. For more information about the Nursery, contact our Children’s Director, Kim English at 940-766-4231, x229.

Children’s Church

Most Sundays, excluding Communion Sundays, our worship service includes a Children’s Sermon for all ages led by our Children’s Director, Kim English. After the Children’s Sermon, children ages 4 through 2nd grade may attend Children’s Church in the Hospitality Room (110). Parents must pick up their children in the Hospitality Room after worship.

Sunday School

Join us for Sunday School from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. each Sunday Morning. We currently have nine active Adult Classes—each unique in the variety of ages and theological emphases. Most groups participate in fellowship activities and mission projects together. We invite you to come and try any of our classes! Contact our Connections Director, Jessie Smith, for more information about each class and which one may be right for your spiritual needs. If you have an interest in forming a new class, contact our Associate Pastor, Georgia Harrison.

Children’s Sunday School

Our goal is to provide a fun, safe, and nurturing environment for children ages 3 through 5th grade in Sunday School. Children are welcome to join the Pre-K Sunday School class as they turn age three and are potty-trained. Contact our Children’s Director, Kim English, for more information about Children’s Education.

Children’s Sunday School meets on the Second Floor of the Education Wing: 

  • Preschool Class (ages 3-5) – Room 206
  • Kindergarten-1st Grade – Room 209
  • 2nd-3rd Grade – Room 211
  • 4th-5th Grade – Room 216

Confirmation is a time set aside by the church to teach and nurture young people in the basics of the Christian faith and understanding of that faith as United Methodists. At FUMC, Confirmation is geared towards 6th graders, but we encourage anyone in 6th through 8th grade who has not been confirmed to participate. Confirmation is a five-month class that begins in August of each year. Visit our FAQ for more information about Confirmation Class, or contact our Children’s Director, Kim English

  • Confirmation – Room 5-R (Rec. Lobby)
Youth Sunday School

Our goal is to provide fun and educational opportunities for youth in 7th through 12th grade to grow in their faith. When students enter 6th grade, they are considered Youth at FUMC and are invited to join youth events like 180 Fellowship on Sunday evenings, Wednesday Bible Studies, and more. After Confirmation, these students are invited to attend Youth Sunday School at The First Rock. Contact our Youth Director, Brent Lamberth, for more information about Youth Education.

Youth Sunday School meets on the First Floor of the Education Building:

  • Youth (grades 7th-12th) — Parlor (Room 102)

Impact Our Worship

Are you interested in getting involved with worship? Below are several ways that you can volunteer through worship on Sunday mornings. 

Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir leads the congregation in song on Sunday mornings. All youth (students 6th through 12th grade) and adults are welcome to participate—no experience is necessary!

  • Time Commitment: Sunday morning and Wednesday evening rehearsals
  • Serves: Church attendees
  • Contact Kristen Gossett for more information.
Asbury Ringers

The FUMC Handbell Choir, Asbury Ringers, practice the handbells together to perform on the occasional Sunday morning, First Wednesday fellowship dinner, and other events throughout the year. All Sr. High youth (students 9th through 12th grade) and adults of all ages are welcome to participate. No previous experience with handbells is required.

  • Time Commitment: Monday evening rehearsals
  • Serves: Church attendees
  • Contact Dr. Katie Meloan for more information.
TV & Sound Crew

Our TV crew runs sound in the Sanctuary and works in our TV studio during worship to broadcast the service every week. All youth (students 6th through 12th grade) and adults of all ages are welcome to participate. No experience is necessary to participate in these ministries—just an interest and willingness to learn!

  • Time Commitment: Sunday mornings (rotating schedule)
  • Serves: Those unable to attend worship in person
  • Contact  Olivia Zamora for more information.
The Pew Crew

The Pew Crew collects welcome cards, picks up anything left in the pews, and restocks the items kept on the back of the pews.

  • Time Commitment: Sundays after Worship
  • Serves: The church
  • Contact Jessie Smith for more information.
Communion Crew

Our Communion Crew helps to prepare and clean up after communion. 

  • Time Commitment: First Sunday of the month
  • Serves: Sunday morning attendees
  • Contact Kristen Gossett for more information.