In addition to various mission opportunities throughout the year for children, youth, and adults, there are many ways to volunteer at FUMC regularly, including ushering or greeting on Sunday mornings and at other church events, chaperoning youth and children’s events, serving monthly meals, flower delivery, and more! Below are details of how you can get involved and make an Impact at FUMC! Contact our Connections Director, Jessie Smith, or fill out our Volunteer Interest Form for more information.
Impact Our Worship by Serving Sunday Morning
Chancel Choir
Chancel Choir leads the congregation in song on Sunday mornings. All youth (students 6th through 12th grade) and adults are welcome to participate—no experience is necessary!
- Time Commitment: Sunday morning and Wednesday evening rehearsals
- Serves: Church attendees
- Contact Kristen Gossett for more information.
Asbury Ringers
The FUMC Handbell Choir, Asbury Ringers, practice the handbells together to perform on the occasional Sunday morning, First Wednesday fellowship dinner, and other events throughout the year. All Sr. High youth (students 9th through 12th grade) and adults of all ages are welcome to participate. No previous experience with handbells is required.
- Time Commitment: Monday evening rehearsals
- Serves: Church attendees
- Contact Dr. Katie Meloan for more information.
TV & Sound Crew
Our TV crew runs sound in the Sanctuary and works in our TV studio during worship to broadcast the service every week. All youth (students 6th through 12th grade) and adults of all ages are welcome to participate. No experience is necessary to participate in these ministries—just an interest and willingness to learn!
- Time Commitment: Sunday mornings (rotating schedule)
- Serves: Those unable to attend worship in person
- Contact Olivia Zamora for more information.
The Pew Crew
The Pew Crew collects welcome cards, picks up anything left in the pews, and restocks the items kept on the back of the pews.
- Time Commitment: Sundays after Worship
- Serves: The church
- Contact Jessie Smith for more information.
Communion Crew
Our Communion Crew helps to prepare and clean up after communion.
- Time Commitment: First Sunday of the month
- Serves: Sunday morning attendees
- Contact Kristen Gossett for more information.
Impact Our Church through Hospitality to Our Guests and Church Family
CO-OP (Caring for Others On Purpose)
The CO-OP (Caring for Others On Purpose) calls, visits, and writes notes to those who are in the hospital or are homebound.
- Time Commitment: Flexible (can be customized around your schedule/availability)
- Serves: Homebound Members
- Contact Jessie Smith for more information.
Greeters welcome all who come for worship and special events.
- Time Commitment: Sunday mornings and some special events throughout the year
- Serves: Worship and event attendees
- Contact Jessie Smith for more information.
Ushers help guide guests and members, pass out bulletins before worship, and pass the offering plate during worship.
- Time Commitment: Sunday mornings and some special events throughout the year
- Serves: Worship and event attendees
- Contact Jessie Smith for more information.
Flower Delivery Team
The Flower Delivery Team delivers bouquets (made from Sunday’s Altar Flowers) to a few church members who are sick, have had surgery, lost a loved one, or had a recent milestone birthday. Volunteers can choose to arrange the bouquets themselves or have a staff member arrange the flowers for them.
- Time Commitment: A Monday afternoon every two months
- Serves: Church members, especially those who are sick or grieving
- Contact Caitlin McNeely for more information.
Cookie Committee
The Cookie Committee volunteers each make two dozen cookies for events, receptions, or sometimes to shower love on specific church members or staff.
- Time Commitment: For church events (usually 0-2 times a month)
- Serves: Church event attendees
- Contact Georgia Harrison for more information.
Kitchen Crew
The Kitchen Crew helps cook, serve food, and clean up the kitchen for church events, such as our First Wednesday Fellowship meal.
- Time Commitment: For church events (usually 1-2 times a month)
- Serves: Church event attendees
- Contact Georgia Harrison for more information.
Impact Our Community by Serving Our Neighbors in Wichita Falls and Beyond
Dinner and a Movie Night
Dinner and a Movie is an event hosted by FUMC once a month, where we host a community dinner and play a movie for unhoused and food-insecure individuals. Volunteers welcome guests, work in the kitchen, serve food, and clean up.
- Time Commitment: On the 3rd Tuesday Evening of Each Month
- Serves: Unhoused and Food Insecure Individuals
- Contact Georgia Harrison for more information.
Emergency Response Team
Emergency Response Team members do what they can to help out after emergencies and disasters by collecting and distributing supplies and working with other organizations to help those in need.
- Time Commitment: As needed
- Serves: Those Impacted by Disasters
- Contact Caitlin McNeely for more information.
Project Transformation, formerly Reading with Friends
Project Transformation (PT) operates free eight-week summer literacy programs serving children in neighborhoods throughout North Texas. Each day, children read one-on-one with community volunteers and participate in activity-based literacy intervention. Children also participate in daily enrichment activities including recreational play and exercise, creative arts, and interaction with young adults and community volunteers, who inspire and encourage youth daily to make responsible, sound decisions.
- Time Commitment: Monday-Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Summer
- Serves: Elementary-aged children
- Contact Georgia Harrison for more information.
Blessing Buddies
Blessing Buddies find small ways to support and encourage Booker T. Washington (our Partners In Education school) teachers throughout the school year, such as sending cards, encouraging emails, or small gifts.
- Time Commitment: Intermittently throughout the school year
- Serves: Teachers
- Contact Georgia Harrison for more information.
Leopard Bags
Each year, FUMC hosts our Leopard Bag Mission Project for the students of our Partner in Education School, Booker T. Washington. Church members fill drawstring bags with a handful of small gifts for the students. Then, we hand out the bags directly to the students to bring them some Christmas cheer during their last week of school before Christmas break.
- Serves: Children at Booker T. Washington
- Contact Georgia Harrison for more information.
Food Drives
Food Drives are held at least twice a year. Before Thanksgiving and before SOUPerbowl Sunday, we collect nonperishable food items to donate to local organizations that distribute food (usually Interfaith Outreach or Mustang’s Pantry). Keep an eye on the Sunday Morning bulletin and the Wednesday e-mail to be notified about our next food drive.
- Serves: Food Insecure Individuals
- Contact Caitlin McNeely for more information.
Impact Our Future by Working with Children and Youth
MinistrySafe is a policy to keep all children in our church safe from abuse. All staff and volunteers who work with minors are background-checked and required to complete a safety course presented by MinistrySafe.
MinistrySafe is a policy to keep all children in our church safe from abuse. All staff and volunteers who work with minors are background-checked and required to complete a safety course presented by MinistrySafe.
MinistrySafe is a policy to keep all children in our church safe from abuse. All staff and volunteers who work with minors are background-checked and required to complete a safety course presented by MinistrySafe.
MinistrySafe is a policy to keep all Children and Youth in our church safe from abuse. All staff and volunteers who work with minors are background-checked and required to complete a safety course presented by MinistrySafe.
Music & MORE
Music & MORE is a choir and discipleship program that gives children the opportunity to build Christ-centered relationships through music and fine arts. Each choir performs frequently in Sunday worship services. Volunteers help in this ministry by leading children in crafts, play, and music.
- Time Commitment: Wednesday evenings during the school year
- Serves: Children (Pre-K to 5th Grade)
- Contact: Kim English for more information.
Sunday School Helpers and Subs
Sunday School Helpers and Subs help lead children or youth through bible study and activities during the Sunday School hour.
- Time Commitment: Sundays 9:15-10:15
- Serves: Children or Youth
- Contact Kim English to work with children or Brent Lamberth to work with youth.
Bible, Arts, and Music (BAM) Camp Volunteers
BAM Camp Volunteers help create a fun-filled learning experience kids will love at FUMC’s Bible, Arts, and Music Camp.
- Time Commitment: One week during the summer (9 a.m.-12 p.m., Monday-Friday)
- Serves: Children
- Contact Kim English for more information.
Youth Weekly Meals
Volunteers bring dinner for the Youth to 180, the Youth’s Sunday night Fellowship Gathering.
- Time Commitment: A Sunday evening during the school year
- Serves: Youth
- Contact: Brent Lamberth at blamberth@fumcwf.org