Worship Sunday Mornings at 10:30 a.m.
at 909 10th Street, Wichita Falls, Texas 76301

We are grateful that you are considering First United Methodist Church of Wichita Falls in your faith journey! Below is helpful information to know before you visit. If you have any additional questions, please call the church office at (940) 766-4231 or contact our Connections Director, Jessie Smith. We are happy to assist you in planning for your visit!
We have one hour-long worship service on Sunday morning, beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. The service style is traditional and includes the singing of hymns, special music performed by the choir and other talented musicians from the community, prayer time, and a message from the Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. John McLarty.
Holy Communion is served during worship on the first Sunday of each month. In the United Methodist Church, we celebrate Holy Communion with the practice of an Open Table. This means all are welcome to receive Holy Communion: members and non-members, children and adults. Our elements are gluten-free.
Worship Live and On-Demand
All worship services are broadcast live on TV-KJBO and our YouTube Channel.
Children are always welcome in our worship service—wiggles and all! Activity binders and crayons are available for children during the worship service. Additionally, the service is televised in a “Family Room” area for parents and children if you need to step out for a moment.
The church nursery is available during the Sunday School hour and worship for infants six weeks old through toddlers age 3.
Children’s Church
Most Sundays, excluding Communion Sundays, our worship service includes a Children’s Sermon for all ages led by our Children’s Director, Kim English. After the Children’s Sermon, children age 4 through 2nd grade are invited to attend Children’s Church in the Hospitality Room (110). Parents must pick up their children in the Hospitality Room after worship.
Your family’s safety is a top priority. A security guard is on-site at all times on Sunday mornings.
All staff and volunteers who work with minors are background-checked and required to complete a safety course presented by MinistrySafe.
Assistive hearing devices are available for worship.
Ramp access to the building is located at the Chapel Entrance (located under the awning at 10th/Travis Street) and at the Office Entrance (located under the awning at 11th/Travis Street). Inside the building are two elevators with access to all levels.
What else can I expect on Sunday mornings?
The building opens at 8:45 a.m. Complimentary coffee, donuts, and breakfast bars are available in the Prothro Family Atrium.
Sunday School
The Sunday School hour begins at 9:15 a.m. We currently have 8 active adult classes and four children’s classes for children age 3 (and potty-trained) through 5th grade. The church nursery is available for infants six weeks old through toddlers age 3. Youth (6th—12th grade) meet at The First Rock building (located in the parking lot across Travis Street).
Help on Sunday Morning
Staff members and volunteers are available to help you on Sunday mornings. Please ask anyone with a nametag for assistance. Ushers are available to assist you during worship.
What Should I Wear?
Come as you are! We want you to be comfortable and to be you. Some people prefer to dress up in casual dresses or even a suit, but you’ll find the entire spectrum of dress represented on Sunday mornings including T-shirts and sweats. We’ll be glad to have you here, regardless.
Location and more
First United Methodist Church is located at 909 10th Street in downtown Wichita Falls, Texas.
Our main parking lot is located across from the building on Travis Street. Additionally, two overflow lots are available across 10th Street.
- Handicap and Visitor spaces are available in the main lot. Additionally, we welcome you to park at the side of the building on the curb, but please save these spaces for those who cannot easily walk far distances and never block access to a ramp.
There are four main entrances to the building available on Sunday mornings:
- The Chapel Entrance (located under the awning at 10th/Travis Street)
- The Tower Door (located at 10th/Travis Street)
- The Main Entrance to the Sanctuary (located on 10th Street)
- The Office Entrance (located under the awning at 11th/Travis Street). We recommend using this entrance when taking a child to the nursery.