Grow in Christian Faith and Action.

John Wesley, one of the founders of the Methodist movement, wrote:
The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social, no holiness but social holiness… You cannot be holy except as you are engaged in making the world a better place. You do not become holy by keeping yourself pure and clean from the world but by plunging into ministry on behalf of the world’s hurting ones.
Partners In Education
Partners in Education (PIE) connects businesses, organizations, and individuals with schools to enhance student learning. Throughout the year, FUMC finds many ways to support and appreciate the faculty, staff, children, and families of our PIE school, Booker T. Washington Elementary, through special events and volunteer programs.
Blessing Buddies
Blessing Buddies find small ways to support and encourage Booker T. Washington teachers throughout the school year, such as sending cards, encouraging emails, or small gifts. Contact Georgia Harrison for more information.
Leopard Bags
Each year, FUMC hosts our Leopard Bag Mission Project for the students of Booker T. Washington. Church members fill drawstring bags with a handful of small gifts for the students. Then, we hand out the bags directly to the students to bring them some Christmas cheer during their last week of school before Christmas break.
Interfaith Outreach
First United Methodist Church of Wichita Falls supports Interfaith Outreach Services. Interfaith offers temporary assistance to individuals and families of Archer and Wichita Counties who are threatened with homelessness, loss of utilities, food insecurity, or other temporary financial emergencies in an atmosphere of compassion and respect. Each year, FUMC hosts a food drive for Interfaith Outreach Services in the Fall.
All donations to Interfaith Outreach Services are greatly appreciated and can be left in the church office, or delivered directly to Interfaith.
Dinner and a Movie Night
On the third Tuesday of every month, FUMC hosts a free community dinner in Fellowship Hall. Dinner is served at 6:00 p.m., with a movie beginning shortly after. This meal is free to all members of the community. All movies shown are family-friendly! To volunteer or for more information, contact Georgia Harrison.
Hygiene Store
Each month at Dinner and a Movie Night, hygiene items are available in our Hygiene “Store.” Attendees receive tickets to use at the store so that they may get their most needed items. All items are generously donated by members of our congregation. To donate to this ministry, visit our Amazon Wishlist for our most recent needs.
Project Transformation, formerly Reading with Friends
Project Transformation (PT) operates free eight-week summer literacy programs serving children in neighborhoods throughout North Texas. Each day, children read one-on-one with community volunteers and participate in activity-based literacy intervention. Children also participate in daily enrichment activities including recreational play and exercise, creative arts, and interaction with young adults and community volunteers, who inspire and encourage youth daily to make responsible, sound decisions.
In 2021, FUMC began hosting a summer reading program, Reading with Friends, modeled after Project Transformation, eventually applying to become a PT site. We are now proud to be an official church site for Project Transformation in North Texas beginning in 2024.
The Co-Op (Caring for Others On Purpose)
The Co-Op (Caring for Others On Purpose) is a group of volunteers that call, visit, and write notes to those in the hospital or homebound. Previously known as the Intentional Caring Unit (ICU), a staple ministry of FUMC for over 40 years, the Co-Op seeks to honor that legacy with the same goal of Intentional Caring—Caring for Others On Purpose. If you know of anyone who is not able to come to church or get around town, or if you have an interest in volunteering with this ministry, contact Jessie Smith.
The Wesley at Midwestern State University
The Wesley of Wichita Falls is a United Methodist campus ministry serving the students of Midwestern State University, Vernon College, and the surrounding area college students and young adults. Frequently throughout the year, FUMC groups provide free campus lunch to Wesley students. When there is a need, FUMC supports the Mustang’s Pantry by hosting Food Drives.
In addition to various outreach projects throughout the year for children, youth, and adults, there are many ways to volunteer at FUMC regularly, including ushering or greeting on Sunday mornings and at other church events, chaperoning youth and children’s events, serving monthly meals, flower delivery, and more! Contact our Connections Director, Jessie Smith, or fill out our Volunteer Interest Form for more information.