We are grateful that you are considering First United Methodist Church of Wichita Falls in your faith journey! As a disciple of Jesus Christ, will you support the United Methodist Church with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?
Joining Sunday
Anyone is welcome to join the church at the end of the worship service on any Sunday. Recognizing that walking to the front of the congregation may be intimidating and a bit awkward, each quarter FUMC offers a Joining Sunday.
A Joining Sunday is an opportunity to learn more about FUMC Wichita Falls and to unite with the church in a relaxed setting with a small group. After discussing what it means to become a part of this congregation through our membership vows, the group takes the membership vows together.
Please contact our Connections Director, Jessie Smith,
for more information about membership or to schedule a time to join.
Five Ways to Unite with First United Methodist Church:
1. The profession of faith in Jesus Christ and baptism
A person who begins the Christian life does so through baptism, a symbol of God’s grace through Jesus Christ. For a young person or an adult, this also is an opportunity to profess one’s faith. If God is leading you to this decision, one of the pastors will be happy to visit with you about this step in your spiritual life. Upon baptism, we’ll ask this question for membership: “As a disciple of Jesus Christ, will you support the United Methodist Church with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?”
2. Reaffirmation of faith if you have already been baptized
3. Transfer of membership from another United Methodist Church
We arrange to transfer your membership from another United Methodist Church after asking this question for membership: “As a disciple of Jesus Christ, will you support the United Methodist Church with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?”
4. Transfer membership from another denomination
If you were baptized into the Christian faith in another denomination, it is not necessary to be re-baptized to celebrate your spiritual growth. We ask this question for membership: “As a disciple of Jesus Christ, will you support the United Methodist Church with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?” The church staff will handle the details of notifying your former church.
Why don’t we re-baptize?
Since baptism is ultimately a sign of what GOD DOES, not what we do, the United Methodist Church does not think that re-baptism is necessary. God always upholds God’s end of the covenant even when we do not. Baptism is God’s gift to us, and nothing was wrong with it no matter where, how, or by whom it occurred. God has not stopped loving us.
However, we encourage a Reaffirmation of Faith (see pg. 33 in the UM Hymnal) where one acknowledges again the gift God gave in baptism. We can reaffirm that gift (accept it again without going through it again).
5. Become an affiliate or associate member
If you are a United Methodist whose membership is in another city or state and you wish to retain that membership in your “home” church, you can become an Affiliate Member. As an Affiliate Member, you are granted pastoral oversight and full participation in our church, but you will not be added to the church rolls. Members of other Christian denominations may elect to become Associate Members under the same conditions.
Please contact our Connections Director, Jessie Smith,
for more information about membership or to schedule a time to join.