Making Disciples. Being Disciples.

Our goal in Christian Education and Formation is to inspire our hearts and our minds such that we will serve God and our neighbors with all of our soul and strength.

The study of Scripture and theology helps us to better understand who God is and who we are in relation to God. When we can better understand, we can begin to see why what we do as individuals and as the church, the community of faith, is so important.

Sunday School

Join us for Sunday School from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. each Sunday Morning. We currently have eight active Adult Classes—each unique in the variety of ages and theological emphases. Most groups participate in fellowship activities and mission projects together. We invite you to come and try any of our classes! Contact our Connections Director, Jessie Smith, for more information about each class and which one may be right for your spiritual needs. If you have an interest in forming a new class, contact our Associate Pastor, Georgia Harrison.

Children’s Sunday School

Our goal is to provide a fun, safe, and nurturing environment for children ages 3 through 5th grade in Sunday School. Children are welcome to join the Pre-K Sunday School class as they turn age three and are potty-trained. Contact our Children’s Director, Kim English, for more information about Children’s Education.

Children’s Sunday School meets on the Second Floor of the Education Wing: 

  • Preschool Class (ages 3-5) – Room 206
  • Kindergarten-1st Grade – Room 209
  • 2nd-3rd Grade – Room 211
  • 4th-5th Grade – Room 216

Children’s Sunday School FAQ


Confirmation is a time set aside by the church to teach and nurture young people in the basics of the Christian faith and understanding of that faith as United Methodists. At FUMC, Confirmation is geared towards 6th graders, but we encourage anyone in 6th through 8th grade who has not been confirmed to participate. Confirmation is a five-month class that begins in August of each year. Visit our FAQ for more information about Confirmation Class, or contact our Children’s Director, Kim English

  • Confirmation – Room 5-R (Rec. Lobby)
Youth Sunday School

Our goal is to provide fun and educational opportunities for youth in 7th through 12th grade to grow in their faith. When students enter 6th grade, they are considered Youth at FUMC and are invited to join youth events like 180 Fellowship on Sunday evenings, Wednesday Bible Studies, and more. After Confirmation, we welcome these students to attend Youth Sunday School at The First Rock. Contact our Youth Director, Brent Lamberth, for more information about Youth Education.

Youth Sunday School takes place at The First Rock building (located in the parking lot across Travis St.):

  • Jr. High Sunday School (Grades 7—8)
  • Sr. High Girls Sunday School (Grades 9—12)
  • Sr. High Boys Sunday School (Grades 9—12)

Bible Study

At FUMC, several Bible study opportunities occur every week with various topics covered throughout the year. All are welcome to join any Bible study group at any time! Special limited, semester, or year-long Bible studies are offered throughout the year, which may require registration.

Wednesday Youth Bible Studies

All Youth (students 6th through 12th grade) are welcome to participate in Wednesday Youth Bible Studies during the school year. Jr. High Students meet from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., and Sr. High Students meet from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at The Rock (building located in the parking lot across Travis Street).

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Join FUMC on Thursday mornings for Bible Study led by our Associate Pastor, Rev. Georgia Harrison. This is a dedicated group that studies deep theological subjects and does thought-provoking Bible study throughout the school year, taking a break during the summer months. Thursday morning Bible Study meets from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Hospitality Room (110), or join this study online via Zoom.

The Society of St. Simeon

The Society of StSimeon began at FUMC in 1992 and, for more than 25 years, provided group members with an opportunity to grow closer to God and each other. After a successful response to our interest survey, FUMC launched a new StSimeon group in August 2023. This group meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. to fellowship, pray, read scripture, discuss one to two chapters of a book, and share communion.

A new St. Simeon group study will begin in August of 2024. Contact Kim English for more information.

The Soundtrack of Faith

The Soundtrack of Faith is a podcast exploring how the Psalms give voice to the human experience with host Rev. Dr. John McLarty. Stream The Soundtrack of Faith on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

Recommended Online Devotionals

Perkins Lectures

The Perkins Lecture Series was one of the most significant events at FUMC since 1943. Paul E. Martin, a beloved former pastor of FUMC, conceived the idea for the Perkins Lectures. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. (Lois) Perkins founded the Lectureship in 1943. Research indicates that this is the first lecture series of its kind nationwide, established in a local church. The Lectureship’s purpose is stated in its original charter, drafted in 1943:

“To bring consecrated, capable speakers of note to deliver in said First Methodist Church, talks or lectures pertaining to and in furtherance of the Christian Religion . . . for the benefit of the members of said Church, for the benefit of Methodism generally, and for the benefit of the public at large.”

Our last Perkins Lecture Series concluded just two weeks before our church first urged remote worship in March 2020. Like many things, the COVID-19 pandemic put lectures in the years following on hold.

The next Perkins Lecture Series is TBA.