Happy Summer! With each passing year, I am increasingly astonished at how quickly time seems to pass. I once heard it said that when we are young, the days feel short and the years feel long, but when we are older, the days feel longer and the years feel short. I believe this to be true.
Of course, the days are longer in the summer with the amount of sunshine we receive. Summer offers an opportunity for many to move at a different pace than during the school year. Many take time for rest, renewal, relaxation, and recreation. At the church, we keep busy, but it is a different kind of busy than at other times of the year.
I hope each person in this church family will find ways to plug in and stay connected during the summer months at FUMCWF. The TV Ministry even allows for people to stay connected in worship when they are not physically in town.
One of the main reasons for everyone in the church to be intentional about staying engaged with the congregation this summer is to help new people get to know the church. Our community always has an influx of people who move to town over the summer and many new residents will use their first few weeks in a new town to look for a church home. Additionally, the church is still receiving friends who were previously at Floral Heights UMC, and it is important that people experience the church as an active place where people can make friends and grow in their faith. Regular participation in church life, even during the summer, is a key factor in this.
For worship, I will offer sermons to help us better understand the role and work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I will also share the pulpit with some great friends and preachers who will bless this congregation with a powerful word. Later this summer, I will preach a sermon series based on the wisdom of the Book of Ecclesiastes. I am looking forward to the ways God will move in our hearts, minds, and souls in the months ahead.
I always enjoy seeing you in and around the church, as well as in and around our community, as I have for the past seven years as the Senior Minister of this church. As I begin year eight in this role, I am excited about what is next and how God will shape us as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of sharing this journey.
With love, and joy, serving as your pastor,
John McLarty