Warming the Community: The Dinner and a Movie Expanded Store

Warming the Community: The December Dinner and a Movie Expanded Store Article written by Caitlin McNeely This December, we’re serving an extra helping of Christmas cheer to our neighbors at Dinner and a Movie by expanding our Hygiene Store. On the third Tuesday of every month, FUMC hosts Dinner and a Movie, where we offer […]

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FUMC Youth Welcomes New Assistant

Farewell, Kevin! For the past six years, our youth group has been blessed to have Kevin Pillow act as our part-time assistant. Over this time, Kevin has helped chaperone seven mission trips, countless retreats, and hundreds of Meals on Wheels routes, and has been a faithful member of the FUMC Praise Band. Most importantly, his […]

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FUMC Youth at Faith Refuge

FUMC Youth at Faith Refuge Since 2013, the FUMC Youth have traveled to Faith Refuge once a year to lead chapel service and serve dinner. Faith Refuge is the local women’s shelter and recovery center. During worship, the students lead music, prayer time, and small groups with the residents at Faith Refuge. The students also […]

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