Farewell, Kevin!
For the past six years, our youth group has been blessed to have Kevin Pillow act as our part-time assistant. Over this time, Kevin has helped chaperone seven mission trips, countless retreats, and hundreds of Meals on Wheels routes, and has been a faithful member of the FUMC Praise Band.
Most importantly, his weekly presence at the Rock has been invaluable. Students have always gravitated to Kevin and his quiet and comforting demeanor. He has helped mold students to be more like Jesus through his own kindness and gentleness. Kevin’s last day will be on December 8. He will be dearly missed!
We are excited to bring Phil Harris on as our new assistant! Phil is a former youth of FUMC and has remained a dedicated member of our church and served as a youth volunteer. We are thrilled for him to be joining the youth ministry team!