A Lent series from the Gospel of Mark based on the final 24 hours of Jesus’ life and ministry on earth.

24 Hours that Changed the World

Lent is a time for reflection and repentance. It is a season to prepare, intentionally turning our hearts toward God and journeying with Jesus toward the cross. This year, as we make our way to the Easter celebration, we will pay particular attention to the most significant 24 hours in history. 
About 15 years ago, Adam Hamilton wrote a book called, “24 Hours that Changed the World.” It is an in-depth exploration of the events of Jesus’ last day, starting with the Last Supper and leading to his crucifixion and burial. Over the next six weeks, we will focus on the various moments within this time frame, discovering the meaning and significance of these powerful stories. 
We will witness the love and humility of Jesus as he washes his disciples’ feet and shares one last meal with them. We will gather in the Garden of Gethsemane as Jesus prays in anguish, yet surrenders fully to God’s will. We will watch as Jesus endures betrayal, unjust trials, and brutal suffering, all for the sake of redeeming the world.  
The events of these 24 hours put the very heart of faith on full display. In Jesus’ suffering, we find the depth of his love. ln his silence before his accusers, we see his strength. In his journey to the cross, we are reminded that he willingly bore the weight of our sins so that we might have life. 
But this worship series is not just about remembering some Biblical and historical events. This series is an invitation to transformation. As we walk with Jesus through these last 24 hours, we have the chance to reflect on our own lives. We can consider what Jesus’ sacrifice means for us today. We can think about how we respond to such incredible love. And we can decide how these events will shape our faith and our call to follow Jesus. 
Lent is a time to draw closer to Christ, and this worship series offers a special opportunity to do just that. Whether you are already deeply familiar with the Passion story, or you are hearing it for the first time, this season is sure to challenge and inspire you to see Jesus’ sacrifice in a new way. 
I hope you will be a part of this important journey. And I hope you will invite a friend to come with you to experience the 24 hours that changed the world. As we reflect, repent, and prepare our hearts for Easter, let us walk with Jesus, step by step, through the hours that changed everything. I look forward to seeing you!
With love, and joy, serving as your pastor, 
John McLarty