2024 WFISD Prayer Walk

Gracious and loving God,

We come before you with humble hearts, seeking your presence as we embark on this new school year. Pour out your strength and wisdom upon our students. As they step into their classrooms, may they feel your guiding hand in every challenge and success. Inspire them to use the unique talents and gifts you’ve given them, striving to do their very best. Grant them the grace to listen with respect and understanding, both to their teachers and to one another. May honesty and a deep love for truth be the foundation of their actions. Help them to serve others joyfully, reaching out with patience and empathy to those who need a friend or a kind word.

We lift up our parents to you, asking for your discernment and comfort. As they navigate the complexities of their children’s education, fill them with the wisdom to understand the vital role they play. May their hearts be attuned to the needs of their children and the guidance of their teachers. Help them to offer support with love and dedication, even when the path is not easy. Grant them the willingness to be involved, to volunteer, and to contribute to the school community in whatever way they can.

We pray for patience and resilience for our teachers, staff, and administrators. As they welcome students into their classrooms and hallways, may they do so with open arms and open hearts. Let them listen deeply to the voices around them—students, parents, and colleagues—so that all may feel seen and valued. Give them the strength to set high expectations while nurturing each student’s unique journey, both academically and socially. For our staff and administration, we ask for your guidance to support the teachers, offering a smile, a word of encouragement, or whatever is needed to uplift those who guide our children.

Lord, we ask your blessing on all who care for our students. Surround them with your boundless love, and let them be beacons of hope and encouragement. May each day be faced with positivity, knowing that in every trial, they are not alone, for you are with them.

Finally, Lord, place within my own heart a desire to support our WFISD schools in whatever way I can. Open my eyes to opportunities for service—whether it’s tutoring, encouraging a teacher, sponsoring an event, or committing to pray regularly for our schools. We thank you for your constant presence on every campus, for walking with every person, guiding and protecting them. When we feel overwhelmed, remind us, Lord, that you are with us in every breath we take. We are never alone, for you are always with us!

In Your name, we pray. Amen.

*** Please post a picture of your group on the social media of your choice using the hashtag #WFISDPrayerWalk